ACES Retrospective and Enhancements

Hi Steve,

Thanks for publishing the document, glad to see the Academy officially acknowledging the paper. Eager to see what is next now :slight_smile:

I will paste here the summary of the paper:

In summary of the various requests, proposals and questions that were addressed in the document the authors, contributors, reviewers, and members of the ACES community wish that:

  • The past, current and future of ACES development will be more open to peer-review and academic discourse.
  • A public record of any experimentation, analysis, and implementations, along with useful data (image datasets, viewing conditions, display attributes and observer physiological characteristics) will be initiated.
  • The CTL codebase documentation, especially the unexplained constants will be revised.
  • A document on ODT creation akin to P-2013-001 [Amp15] will be written.
  • The CTL codebase and the official ACES OpenColorIO configurations, along with relevant documents, e.g. technical bulletins, will be stamped with DOIs.
  • The CTL codebase reference implementation will adopt a solid unit tests suite while checking the ACES OpenColorIO configuration state against it.
  • The Academy will promote a system for vetting and integrating IDTs with user feedback.
  • The Academy will strongly promote CLF adoption by its partners and the community.
  • The Academy website will be the host for best practice guides for usage of ACES and ACES OpenColorIO configurations within DCC applications.
  • The RRT will adopt a more neutral look and a faster parameterized mathematical implementation that will allow better control over the tonescale, thus contributing to spread of RRT usage and enabling true archival of creative intent.
  • The RRT will be made fully invertible, and that the various sweeteners will be moved to a default LMT.
  • The ODT will be parameterized to adapt to a wider range of displays and viewing conditions while reassessing usage of CAMs to account for induced changes of the perceptual correlates by the luminance increase of the HDR displays and different viewing conditions.
  • An officially publicized and documented workaround for highly saturated emitters artifacts will be available in the CTL codebase until a long-term solution is developed.
  • The ACESclip file format will be simplified and advertised, as the archival promise is currently broken without proper metadata. XMP would be useful to consider along storage of the ACESclip file within the ACES container.
  • Remaining issues in the ACES OpenColorIO configuration such a visual mismatch and ICC profiles clipping will be addressed.
  • The ACES OpenColorIO configuration repository will be taken under the Academy wing and its development will be more directly supported by the Academy team.
  • The ACES OpenColorIO configuration builds, i.e. the config file, LUTs and ICC profiles, along the CTL transforms will be hosted as first class products on the website.
  • A robust solution will be found for integer based applications such as Adobe Photoshop.
  • The broadened scope of ACES beyond its original context will be accounted for with Video Games being a strong adoption driver to be reckoned with.
  • Discussions regarding potential changes to the reference environment will be held.

The Github repository with the Latex source code is available here: GitHub - colour-science/aces-retrospective-and-enhancements: ACES - Retrospective and Enhancements

