ACEScg vs Linear sRGB/709 CG rendering

Hi @Colin_James,

A few things:

ACEScg is intrinsically linear, what you are referring to as linear is currently sRGB / BT.709 / Rec. 709 colourspace with a linear transfer function.

As you mentioned it, some RGB colourspaces have gamuts that are better suited for CG rendering and will get results that overall will be closer to a ground truth full spectral rendering. ACEScg / BT.2020 have been shown to produce more faithful results in that regard. Whether it matters is probably context dependent, Weta Digital has elected to go down the spectral rendering road because the company felt it mattered for what they were doing. Many other facilities did not go down that road and are still producing high quality imagery.

Yes! Reality is that you might have to go back do some keying operations in the blessed camera vendor colourspace or even so called “native camera space”.



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