Anyone know of film schools teaching ACES?

Hello, thanks Steve for creating this thread.

We have with Philippe Llerena from “Guerilla Render” and Gaetan Jayle from “Tu nous za pas vus” “installed” ACES at ENSI (Ecole des Nouvelles Images) in Avignon, France.

As you may know, I am a big ACES fan. So for me it was the only choice we could have done in terms of Color Management. Prior to this installation, there was no Color Management at all in the short films.

The response from the student has been great so far :

  • To try it is to adopt it. There is no going back after trying it. It would be like going back to “dirty”. Only issue : I would love if it would be easier to use in some software.

  • It changes everything in a good way, everything is closer to reality. We hope that it will become a standard in every software used for Computer Graphics.

  • A bit difficult to setup at first but it was worth it. Highlights and Shadows look much better. You can really tell the difference visually. Ideally we would use the OCIO config in any production software.

At ENSI, if I am not mistaken, we use Substance, Mari, Photoshop, Guerilla Render, Nuke and Resolve. I guess the two softwares that gave us more hassle are Substance and Photoshop. I know you guys are talking with Adobe… So hopefully a standardization will come soon. For Photoshop we have used a workaround that has been explained on the forum and for Substance we have used an exr provided as well on ACEScentral.

Our setup is pretty much basic : we paint textures in Rec. 709 with a display LUT matching the ODT Rec. 709 ACES. In our shaders, we have a node to load any Color texture as ACEScg which is our Rendering Space. Any Grayscale texture is simply loaded as linear. Since it has no color information I guess we do not care about primaries.

We display everything in Nuke and Resolve with the Rec. 709 ODT which is perfect for our needs.

Thanks ! I hope this answers your question. :wink:
