But you are comparing the ACES OpenEXR unrendered, correct? So it’s not going to look like that when put through a rendering anyway. The differences you’re seeing are due to how the different software packages decide to show negative pixel values. Some clamp to zero and others may do other things. What do negative pixel values in your ACES image even mean? (See this post.)
On my MBP, Apple Preview renders the OpenEXRs like this:
OpenEXR Normal (Apple Preview)
OpenEXR +2 stops (Apple Preview)
OpenEXR +4 stops (Apple Preview)
What you really should care about is what the image looks like through an ACES rendering. Negative pixel values should be handled consistently by the rendering. I took your original file and the 2 stop increments and sent them through the RRT/ODT to sRGB.
ACES (+2 stops) thru RRTODT for sRGB
ACES (+4 stops) thru RRTODT for sRGB
As you can see the blue screen is pretty consistently blue.
You do get a little bit of purple fringing on the car door and around the head in the +4 shot but you also have a ton of noise.