One thing I figured I should do is change the matrix which gives the luma, and switch it use luminance weights for ACEScg based on this post
- !<Look>
name: False_Colour
process_space: Filmic Log Encoding
transform: !<GroupTransform>
- !<MatrixTransform> {matrix: [0.272229, 0.674082, 0.0536895, 0, 0.272229, 0.674082, 0.0536895, 0, 0.272229, 0.674082, 0.0536895, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]}
- !<FileTransform> {src: Filmic_False_Colour.spi3d, interpolation: best}
The part I’m less sure about is the LMT process space:
- !<ColorSpace>
name: Filmic Log Encoding
bitdepth: 32f
description: |
Log based filmic shaper with 16.5 stops of latitude, and 25 stops of dynamic range.
isdata: false
allocation: lg2
allocationvars: [-12.473931188, 12.526068812]
from_reference: !<GroupTransform>
- !<AllocationTransform> {allocation: lg2, vars: [-12.473931188, 12.526068812]}
- !<FileTransform> {src: desat65cube.spi3d, interpolation: best}
- !<AllocationTransform> {allocation: uniform, vars: [0, 0.66]}
to_reference: !<AllocationTransform> {allocation: lg2, vars: [-12.473931188, 4.026068812], direction: inverse}