Modifying ACESclip metadata

Please have a look at the uploaded example ACESclip XML from Appendix A of TB-2014-009 in the form that I substantially modified…
By the way,
changing-metadata-sample.ACESclip.html (6.2 KB)
I had to change extension from .ACESclip.xml to .ACESclip.html in order for it to be uploadable.

Configuration in <Config> section may reference color-transforms in the <TransformLibrary>. Cross-reference is against a <ProcessList>'s ver attribute.

There is a <History> section where the pedigree is stored as a list of <Revision> elements, each with a mandatory <Timestamp> inside.

When either configurations (in <Config> section) and color-transforms (in <TransformLibrary> section) need to be versioned, a ver attribute in their children is used to cross-reference with the id attribute of a specific <Revision> element in the <History> section.

Coming to the ACESclip sample…

Here we have a clip with a sidecar ACESclip file that stores, since its inception, a color pedigree describing the whole “color history” of the clip itself.

  • The clip is ingested from camera magazine, in a DI station (Input Transform is chosen once for all)
  • On-set grading happens, in the form of a simple CDL
  • DI colorist reviews the clip and applies basic look in the DI theater (3 days after), as a 3D LUT and, at the same time, the P3@D60 Output Transform for the theater is also chosen
  • Another colorist prepares the Output Transform for the future HDR mastering on HLG monitor
  • First day of finishing (simplifying, as another 3D LUT) is completed

To reconstruct the history, look at matching ver attributes of elements in the top part of the XML with id attributes of <Revision> elements in the bottom section of the XML.

Besides, there are two “technical” Output Transform choices: one for DI theater and one for HDR mastering: they are indexed according to the status of the <OutputTransformList> elements, which is respectively valued theatre and mastering

And, remember that simpler applications may just completely ignore the <History> section.

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