Meeting Recap:
- Started by reviewing the Implementation group proposal
- Starting at the beginning - talking about on-set workflows:
- Should the compression be on by default? A few folks agree - @ptr , @daniele, @KevinJW, @Giardiello
- Do we enforce order of operations? Allow more than one application?
@ptr - two approaches on set
- Track compression as you do cdls, in the AMF so you can exactly recreate
- A totally local and temporarily enabled thing - is there a reason to pass it on? Is it just a safety on set?
- If you’re baking it into dailies, you definitely need to track it
- @jzp : 1 - once the fix is applied, usually that’s enough, you don’t often need it again. On set, if someone sees a problem, it must be fixed - turn it on, and never see the problem again. Therefore, it needs tracked.
- @Giardiello - huge benefit to having it always on for preview on set. Only edge cases would have it off.
- @joseph brought up hardware correction vs. software - we need to be specific about the intended workflow
- @nick - this is a scene referred fix. It should never be applied in a display-referred space
- @joseph - scene-referred transforms in monitor are a distinct possibility, in the future
- @ptr - monitoring shouldn’t be an issue, if you’re in an ACES workflow, monitor is usually in PQ and not sending log over the wire
- @joseph - we should add it to workflow docs as edge cases
- For VFX:
- @KevinJW: many many things change the color on a vfx shot (despill, tech grades, etc), do we care? Is it worth tracking?
- @jzp - VFX pulls should not have it baked in. This should be applied in the working space, not before. ACEScg ACEScct only.
- @Giardiello - on dailies - used it on a few shows. Ended up putting it always on because it’s hard to track. But if it was trackable via AMF, might change his mind.
@joseph - what about loadable on-camera LUT for shoots without a DIT
- Do we need to track this? Did not reach a consensus here