- Announced VWG progress report to EMEA group - look out for a google doc / dropbox paper doc in the next week.
- Spectral sensitivities and how they relate to camera gamuts are not really helpful in our endeavor (A ‘Warning: IDT!’ buzzer was suggested - thanks @daniele )
- Problems, like the blue-purple artifacts, should therefore be handled differently
- @daniele posed that HSV is a problematic projection for modifying colors in and instead suggested investigating opponent spaces. HSV might still be useful to provide the saturation component as a multiplication factor in the opponent space.
- Opponent color spaces that use a 0-1 domain could still be used by normalising the RGB component to the max value of the triplet. This could help in maintaining exposure invariance.
- Scope: where do we stand on parameterization? Parameter selection would need to be communicated down the line. Maybe later with AMF, but no reliable method now. Perhaps keep it to limited choices based on the target gamut (maybe auto-selected based on e.g. ODT?)
- Should the MVP provide invertibility? Daniele says Filmlight develops with an inverse in mind, but often end up not using it / using a modified version depending on the situation.
- Where do we apply this transform in a production color pipeline? Discussion to be continued.