Notice of Meeting - ACES Gamut Mapping VWG - Meeting #12 - 5/14/2020


Please take a look at the compiled resources around the current state of algorithm development here:

For next meetings, we’d love if everyone had a chance to become familiar with the state of things - we’ll do our best to keep this area on the dropbox paper updates with relevant resources, as I know ACES Central is sometimes hard to keep up with. We’d really appreciate everyone coming to the next few meetings having tried out the work on the images in the dropbox, as well as others you may have access to internally at your respective companies.

Call highlights:

  • No significant callouts on the Progress Report, going to finalize this week
  • @joachim.zell proposed the creation a set of synthetic test images for convenient visual evaluation of gamut mapping
  • Filmlight E-Gamut is based on a collection of real world camera data and might be good candidate for generating a synthetic test image with plausible “out-of-gamut” samples
  • The IDT buzzer was used a number of times again.
  • @jedsmith’s well received algorithm proposal was discussed at length and sparked a discussion of the hue change vs saturation change
  • A side conversation focused on whether the default mapping target should be constrained by the spectral locus (e.g. BT.2020) instead of AP1. It was pointed out that in the AP1 RGB domain the spectral locus is a “fuzzy”, less significant boundary and real world chromaticities only become important in the display referred domain.
  • @KevinJW raised a final point that the group should not only focus on the effect of the algorithm on high energy, saturated values but also on how it affects the dark values in the noise floor and that tests should also be done using moving images instead of stills only. @joseph offered to generate some sample footage for this.
  • @Alexander_Forsythe offered to look for some original ACES test imagery to share with the group.
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