Notice of Meeting - ACES Gamut Mapping VWG - Meeting #25 - 8/20/2020

  • @nick has a branch of the model repo that is stripped down to just power(p ) function, and removes the shadow rolloff and hexagonal method. @Thomas_Mansencal - simplify as much as we can. Put a range in parameters, or presets, similar to paired a/b testing suggestion from @Alexander_Forsythe
  • ColorChecker values - are we considering updating to the post 2014 X-rite dye formulations at any point? @Alexander_Forsythe to inquire with ISO about standards updates, but this group will continue with current model
  • Next steps are to define the default values:
    • “Threshold” values defines by CC24 values, 0 margin
    • “Distance limit” defined by our own “gamut” from the major cameras with ACES IDTs
    • How do we objectively choose the power function itself?
      • Balance between preservation of saturation and ease of invertibility

Recording and Transcript