User Testing setup:
- 10 compositors, 10 colorists
- Set footage (tables below)
- Set operations: top 3 comp, top 3 grading (listed in tables below)
- Locked “controls” (threshold, max distance, possibly compression too?)
- Project setups in Nuke, Baselight, Resolve
- Feedback via Google Form
- Tell us your setup (Monitor, application & version, OS, etc)
Meeting timing going forward:
- Meetings on 10/1 and 10/8
- Suggested testers list by 10/2, finalized list by 10/8
- 2 weeks to prep packages (no meetings 10/15 & 10/22)
- Give GM WG Members a few days to review packages
- Test packages distributed on 10/26, final day to participate 11/2?
- Resume meetings Nov 5
- @nick showed a realtime setup hooked up to the video conference! Blackmagic Film log image from a Pocket 4K camera passed through two versions of an ACES Rec. 709 LUT, one with gamut mapping, one without. Lit by small RGB LED light. Check out the first few minutes of the recording!
- Re: compression curve modification:
- Have options (1.2, 1.1, 1.0, etc)
- More images and fewer options
- Scott looking into options for Dropbox download limitations, will need to be smart about user testing packages (sub 5gb)