- @nick has a first version of the CTL deliverable, PR here for comment.
- Talked a bit more through the despill issue brought up by a tester from MPC, all agreed that the benefit for compositors is being to apply at will - upstream and downstream operations will be necessary
- Documentation:
- Technical doc - specs, math, how it works
- User documentation - examples, use cases, things to watch out for
- @joachim.zell: it should be intuitive, easy to understand, pave our own path so to speak. Should find a guinea pig not familiar to read through the docs.
- @sdyer : quick 1 min videos would be really useful. But for now, focus on design decisions and outcomes.
- How do we “archive” the work of the group - github repo, working docs, research, etc
- @Alexander_Forsythe is going to talk through ideas with the Academy staff, more to come!
- It was generally agreed that wider “open” testing would not give useful feedback
- Implementation group: looking for participants from software vendors, etc, as well as soliciting volunteers for leaders