Some highlights from today’s call (we missed you @daniele! Daylight savings is the worst…)
- Called out @Thomas_Mansencal’s work in generating spectrally rendered test imagery, very relevant now more than ever: Spectral Images Generation and Processing
- @matthias.scharfenber outlined his simple algorithm (with the caveat that it should be a conversation starter rather than an actual proposal, because it is overly simplistic and has many issues). Will share a description on a separate ACES Central post.
- @joachim.zell pointed out that AP0 is a relevant and necessary archival container and that data should be preserved, and also that we should use the best tools available to solve this problem right now, knowing that it may not be 100% perfect and also be obsolete in the future when a better workflow comes along.
- @hbrendel and @joseph pointed out the necessity of knowing your source gamut (beyond just AP0 container) as well as your target gamut, otherwise you end up with a very general mapping that is good for some cases but much to extreme in others
- Put out a call for examples of gamut mapping - ideas, failures, etc to show the group in a visual way
- Noted that @SeanCooper has a jupyter notebook with some work to share soon - be on the lookout for that.
- If we were to start taking meeting ‘notes’ to distribute after each meeting, is that more/less useful than the transcript/recording? (this accumulation of highlights is sort of what we’re thinking, to keep conversations going)
- Acknowledgement that times are weird right now - anything we can do to make participation more productive or helpful please let us know, door for feedback always open!