Notice of Meeting - ACES Gamut Mapping VWG - Meeting #7 - 3/26/2020

Thanks all for a great meeting today, here’s our bullet point summary:

  • @matthias.scharfenber gave demo in Nuke of some preliminary gamut mapping attempts, he will be posting the work on a separate post soon, will update these notes with link
    • @daniele mentioned issues with the achromatic axis in HSV-type spaces, hopefully we can deep dive on this more
  • @Justin_Johnson demoed his solution which he posted on ACES Central here: Gamut Mapping method (Nuke script example)
  • We talked for a short bit about @SeanCooper’s post and the poor assumption that all data presented is colorimetric, more to come on this when Sean presents in detail next meeting
  • We also discussed whether any of the parameters should or should not be modifiable by the user, and how that implementation might work for the end user
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