- @michaelch - have a fix for the neg clipping implemented, will be out likely in the next 2 weeks depending on release timing
- @nick: Added a ramp to the test image that is linear in ACEScct (-0.5 to 1.4 – ACEScct 1.5 is >65504) so non-linear in ACES. Should help future implementers catch any negative value clipping.
- @camkerr : newest version of Resolve (17.4.2) doesn’t have the gamut compression checkbox on by default - is this on purpose?
- @michaelch : No, it should be on for new projects - will check and get back to the group.
- Lots of discussion around the User Guide, please see comments, and add your own!
- Discussion about link between AMF and ALE etc - so that editorial can be in the loop and have the information needed to track issues as they occur.