Meeting #28 – 13th October
Areas for discussion. Please feel free to add items or comment below.
Discuss Kevin’s Test case proposal
Proposal for resolving the conflict between ‘swappable core rendering’ vs ‘doing everything in LMT’
Minimum viable OT update.
Proposal for an alternate/backup plan. The intent here is to make the minimum number of changes to the existing SSTS framework, addressing as many of the issues as possible. This could include, but is not limited to:
- Disabling the “RRT Sweeteners” (Improving invertibility)
- Backing off the contrast (Parameter adjustment)
- Fix the CAT order of operations (Order of operations for limiting to primaries and CAT causes unwanted clipping · Issue #108 · ampas/aces-dev · GitHub)
- Document the surround factor (This would be new functionality for the HDR transforms)
- Move the SDR transforms to SSTS (This would require some level of subjective assessment, as it currently produces a slightly different look)
This version would accept some issues inherent in the current system, such as hue skews, and mismatches between SDR and HDR.
The point of this track is not to stop work on alternative renderings that may improve things further, but to provide a backstop in case those other avenues fail for some unforeseen reason, and to provide a steelmanned version of the existing method to measure any alternatives against.
And to allow the current system to be “the best it can be”
Christophe Brejon’s Recap