Notice of Meeting - Output Transforms Architecture - Meeting #1 - 12/2/2020

A post was split to a new topic: Where should mid-gray end up through an Output Transform?

other points via @ChrisBrejon
I have more questions than answers for sure… I guess OT are tricky because they are not only mathematical but also perceptual. More questions will come about :

  • Surround : a pure power function pushes midgray, right ? Is this questionable for imagery ?
  • Refactor existing VS indepedent new beginning ? I am curious to see if there is agreement on this one. What should we do about per channel lookup and the infamous sweeteners of the RRT (glow module, red modifier and global desaturation) ?
  • max(RGB). I have often been told that it should not be used as a tone-mapper but more of a 2 stage solution, which would include gamut mapping… We are looking at a norm that literally delivers the chromaticity directly at the same energy level, right ?