Hi Troy,
Thanks for this. I’m still working my way through some of the details (there’s a lot in here) but here are a couple answers:
Our sample image set lives here - the image set lives in dropbox. Feel free to add any images (that we have the rights to) there!
As far as stages go - yes, as outlined in @daniele’s document from one of our first meetings in January, there are different stages at which gamut mapping occurs, for different reasons, and the toolsets for these mappings may be different. As stated in our progress report, we are trying to set our scope to the scene-referred ACES portion of the chain only. Now, what that means for how we handle the ‘non-data’ outside of AP0 from IDTs has not yet been decided, though for invertibility’s sake, treating them as valid values so that they can come back at the end of the pipe for transfer/archival - maintaining 2065-1 - is important.
As this is an ACES group, our main focus, yes, is to make the gamut mapping work for ACES - but as @matthias.scharfenber and I have been saying, if we can, keeping it gamut agnostic (in scene-referred world) would mean trying to stay away from optimizing for a certain gamut (on either end) for as long as we can. I know that doesn’t really answer your questions - but as stated in the last meeting, and you have written above, we’d like to start with the ‘zone of trust’ and also decide in what dimension/model/space we’re mapping in.