Tone scale slope behavior at min and max luminance

Hi Daniele,

I’m totally inline with every single of your points, I have been there, however the reality is different and we live in a far from perfect world.

You might not be able to alter a logo at all, some clients just don’t give a damn about technicalities, they just know what they want, e.g. 7 lines all strictly perpendicular together. It is common for people working in commercials and there is a related thread about preserving the look of sRGB graphics here.

We might get that in an hypothtical future and lot of people have discussed about it with Apple but as of ARKit (and ARCore) current state you just receive a YCbCr image and have to deal with it. Compositing the feed directly behind the already tonemapped game content is an effective workaround but there are many use cases where you want to directly sample the video feed and use it as a texture, thus you are back to square one.

Same here but people have done it and will continue to do so.

I don’t advocate it and I think the opposite: it would allow non ACES shows to use ACES as a container and thus have access to ACES archival by just shipping a single LMT.

It does make sense and again I’m inline with it :slight_smile:

