User testing of possible Output Transform candidates

Hey Nick,

thanks for bringing this up and apologies for the delay in replying.

From what I can remember, I have always tested the different prototypes with default settings.

The only parameter I changed was “dechroma” on OpenDRT which I pushed to a value of 1. I just checked today (with OpenDRT v0.0.90b4) on all my CG renders and it confirms what I recall from my tests six months ago : I prefer OpenDRT with a “dechroma” of 1. True, my Lego sailors won’t look as saturated but that’s the price to pay I guess.

I just checked ZCAMishDRT v006 and I also like the default settings, even if I see some weird stuff breaking in the blues that I think are worth pointing out (actually, I already posted about them, so I guess I won’t double post again).

For the record, a sRGB sphere lit by a distant light displayed with ZCAMishDRT v0.6, OpenDRT v0.0.90b4 and JzDT.

Update : I tried to play with the different the thresholds (Edge and Head) on ZCAMish DRT v0.6 to fix this blue artifact but I was loosing too much chroma. I could not find a sweet spot unfortunately.

I will try to test Mathias’ implementation this weekend.

