Utility - sRGB - Texture IDT in Nuke / Maya

Ha! This is quite interesting way to do it.

Something related I was mentioning in a thread here some time ago is that for online resources of unknown processing origin and intended to be used as textures, it might be useful to apply a curve that reduces the contrast a bit. The one I have been using is the Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) one: Adobe Camera Raw - Exact Default Tone Curve - Google Sheets One can use that script to load it into a Lookup node in Nuke: colour-nuke/colour_nuke/lookup.py at master · colour-science/colour-nuke · GitHub

The reasoning for using the ACR curve is that:

  • It will never destroy your data contrary to the various ACES Output Transforms, e.g. Output - sRGB.
  • Most textures online resellers are using Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop for processing their photographic.
  • They pretty much never ever ever use properly linearised .dcp profiles: Blog - Linear Pipeline and RAW *.CR2 processing. | Triplegangers, note that while the UI of the various Adobe products has changed recently, the .dcp profile you want to use in that workflow are Adobe Standard.



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