As to ver044 and ver044B there still seems to be some NANs produced with extreme examples. For example when looking at the red diver with torch: some white dots appear in black areas when I am using an exposure DCTL which is basically for linear input rgb = rgb * _exp2f(exposure). And all I need to do is turn that exposure node on and off, even with 0 exposure, and the dots go on and off. This does not happen in typical frames (without extreme colors.) (Only two nodes: a simple exposure DCTL and an ACES Transform with the new versions selected. Set up as documented on ACES Central.)
Also the white dots (NANs?) then go away when I turn on the Gamut Compress in the ACES Transform node, even if those values are minimally set at limits of 1.001 and thresholds of 0.000.
I am using Resolve on a Windows10-64 AMD system with the new rev044 & rev044B LUT based DCTLs and do not know if this might just be due to using the LUTs.