ACES 2.0 CAM DRT Development

As to ver044 and ver044B there still seems to be some NANs produced with extreme examples. For example when looking at the red diver with torch: some white dots appear in black areas when I am using an exposure DCTL which is basically for linear input rgb = rgb * _exp2f(exposure). And all I need to do is turn that exposure node on and off, even with 0 exposure, and the dots go on and off. This does not happen in typical frames (without extreme colors.) (Only two nodes: a simple exposure DCTL and an ACES Transform with the new versions selected. Set up as documented on ACES Central.)

Also the white dots (NANs?) then go away when I turn on the Gamut Compress in the ACES Transform node, even if those values are minimally set at limits of 1.001 and thresholds of 0.000.

I am using Resolve on a Windows10-64 AMD system with the new rev044 & rev044B LUT based DCTLs and do not know if this might just be due to using the LUTs.