I do not think that this is the goal. The goal should be to fix the “blues” I hope.
I picked up dev055 and rendered again the ACEScg primary and secondary
“logo-stars on a solid color” with ACES 1.3, ACES 2.0 (dev055) and ARRI REVEAL Rec.709.
Left ACES 1.3 Rec.709
Center ACES 2.0 Rec.709
Right ARRI REVEAL Rec.709
Although I am aware that this a purely theoretical exercise, it could happen that someone (like me right now ) sends these values through the different “DRTs”.
Unless I did something wrong it’s nice to see how the ACES 1.3 clamped values in Rec.709 are now having a softer transition with ACES 2.0.
ARRI REVEAL I rendered and plotted just to have another comparison.
But what happens to the center image and the center plot with ACES 2.0?
Blue stars at “cyan”, then moving to "blue and changes the direction on the way to yellow!
The file in question is here: