ACES2 DRT experiment with AP1 cusp approximation

I pushed the ACES2_DRT_pex2 to my prototype DRT repo. Pushed also a python script, which automatically finds the fit for both the AP1 gamut cusp and the scaling curve. The scaling curve is based on a fit of AP1 green corner scaling.

It now includes tighter fit for the AP1 gamut cusp approximation, which reduced differences a bit more. The code now uses trigonometric identities.

Here’s what the python script outputs, and is what the blink code uses now:

Optimized scaling parameters ((ax)^b-c):
a = 0.03379, b = 0.30596, c = 0.45135
Optimized cos/sin coefficients:
ax: 11.34072, bx: 16.46899, cx: 7.88380
ay: 14.66441, by: -6.37224, cy: 9.19364
off: 77.12896