Hey guys,
I’m trying to apply a LUT and am converting from ACEScg to Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3 (before applying the cube lut file) but am getting a different result (The image is a little more green) than just applying the Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3 directly in the view transform
my defined colorspace (no applied cube/ lut file yet, pure conversion to slog3):
! {name: LUT, colorspace: shotLUT}
name: shotLUT
bitdepth: 32f
description: |
ACEScg to shot colorspace to shot LUT
isdata: false
allocation: uniform
allocationvars: [0, 1]
from_reference: !
- ! {src: ACES - ACEScg, dst: Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3}
it looks correct when direclty using this instead of my defined LUT colorspace:
- ! {name: slog3, colorspace: Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3}
It used to work with a non ACES workflow so I’m a little stuck here.