Hello-- I’m in need of the ADX10 to ACES IDT (which is available on the ACES Github) as well as the ACES to ADX10 ODT.

Does anyone know where I can find this ODT?

Hi Jake,

Are you planning to go on a film recorder with this ?

Hello! No I do not. I am developing a plugin and need the inverse ODT.

Hi Jake,

Someone corrscts me but I think what you are looking for is an inverse of the IDT function, not an ODT. It seems nobody made one. Without diving into the code, I would think this is feasible simply by looking at the IDT code and writing the inverse algo.

Hi Jake, when you mean ODT you want to transform to which colourspace?

Because if you use the ACES IDT that converts to ACES AP0, which means if you want to go back to ADX10 you just need to invert the IDT to get back the file to ADX10.

But in case you want to go to a different output you might need a different ODT ACES compatible (as technically speaking once you pass the file through the IDT you are already in ACES world), and most of these can be found either in ACES or OCIO files in github.

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile: