
I am primarly interested in the original digital intermediate workflow : shooting film, scanning the footage and then after all the post-production is done, making a film-out to 35mm. I would be interested to use ACES for this workflow. This is why I would like to know if an ADX16toACES is already available in the industry? I have found ADX10toACES but 10-bit log is not enough for current color negatives such as Kodak Vision3 platform.
Thank you for any advice regarding where to find documentation about ADX16toACES or which color grading software already has a working ADX16toACES 3D LUT.

All the best,
Daniel Henriquez Ilic
Fotoquímica Films SpA

Hello Daniel -

I completely agree, ADX16 is better suited to the newer film stocks. The ADX16 to ACES transform is a standard part of the ACES transform collection. We include this transform in the Autodesk finishing products (including Flame and Lustre) and I imagine many other grading systems do as well. Also, if you want to experiment, you could use the free ctlrender tool that is part of the ACES distribution to apply the Academy-supplied ACEScsc.ADX16_to_ACES.ctl transform directly.

best regards,

Doug Walker

Hello Doug,

Many thanks for your answer.

All the best,
Daniel Henríquez Ilic
Fotoquímica Films SpA

Daniel Hello,

As Doug says this OT is included in the ACES 1.0 release, and is definitely in our Nucoda grading product. Let us know if you like to have a trial version of software to do some tests.



Hello Nigel,

Thank you for your message as well. This subject is really interesting due to the amazing potential that is there for digital intermediate, and for HDR work. The fact that great softwares like Flame or Nucoda softwares are already supporting ADX16 to ACES is really great news.
With Kodak 5203, I have already been able to get usable information, 7 stops above mid gray, and would be interested to perform as much tests as possible with ADX16toACES. Many thanks for your offer of a trial version. My email is dhisur at in case you would like to provide a download link.

Technically how is this implemented in Nucoda? Is this something like a 65x65x65 tetrahedral 3D LUT into the ACES color pipeline ?

Best regards,

Daniel Henríquez Ilic
Filmmaker / Consultant
Fotoquímica Films SpA
Santiago de Chile

Hi Daniel,

The ADX transformation is a universal Unbuild of printing density. It will do the job ‘ok’ to get you into a generic modern density space. But the harder part is to achieve the same look on your answer print. For this you need to profile your print process and use this to generate a ‘compensation transformation’.
This is a lot of ‘back and forward’ and probably not the best solution, if accurate colour reproduction on Print Film is your main goal.
Also Grading using the RRT as Display Rendering Transform will allow you the generate colours on your display which are outside of the print film gamut, so those colour can never be faithfully reproduced on Print Film (and vice versa).
It really depends what your main goal is.
If the filmout is just an Archive delivery, then the standard ACES transformation certainly do the job.
If you want a accurate colour reproduction on film, then a classical DI Colour Workflow would be better suited,but I guess the former is the goal.

hope some of this makes sense.
Daniele Siragusano