We are working to build an ACES workflow for our big projects but we are struggling with after effect.
To see if the workflow is correct, i’m trying to make a tiff (with bars and black) travel from the after effect input to the resolve output. But, i don’t know why, there is something wrong between the after effect output and the resolve input.
The display of the processed file (in openExr) is wrong and the scopes are dancing like Travolta.
Barsandblack image in Tiff, tagged as sRGB
After Effect:
Project settings:
Depth: 32bits
Working Space: Acescg
Linearize Working Space: checked
Interpretation of the file: Preserve RGB
The tiff with OCIO effect (input: sRGB Output: Acescg)
Project settings:
Color Science: Acecc (tried Acecct also)
Access version 1.1 (same as AE)
Input device: Acescg
Aces output: Rec709
Process: Aces AP0 Linear
Input transform: Acescg (same as project and, theoricaly, the file)
When i try an export from resolve, the new file look exactly the same as the resolve player.
When i import the source file in Resolve and choose the input transform srgb, the image and the scopes look perfect.
When i export with the output working space to rec709 in after effect and import with input transform rec709 in resolve, it’s also perfect.
No OCIO in After effect - acescg working space - input transform sRGB for resolve: Perfect
So, i’m here to ask some help. I’ve seen some tutorials who show a so easy workflow and i don"t understand why i cannot achieve a good result when i follow it step by step and don’t find a way to resolve this issue.
Do you mean the readout in After Effects’ Lumetri Scopes?
Using AE’s colormanagement alongside OCIO is most useful if your intention is to output files that need to have AE’s workingspace as colorspace embedded like using sRGB for jpgs or rec.709 for film.
Zak has a lengthy but good video on this workflow.
Also a part 2 that combines camera footage and graphics.
You can totally work OCIO exclusively without AE management using a guidelayer with ACEScg to sRGB/rec.709 depending on your monitor.
The slight downside to this is that AE’s native effects that can be aware of linearity and have checboxes for this need to be flipped like disabling linear light conversion for exposure otherwise it’s a double convert as AE doesn’t know you’re already in linear.
If you were seeing messed up colors in AE it was because AE’s management was trying to convert ACEScg to your display instead of giving a raw feed. (Use Display Color Management setting in comp)
I tested exporting an EXR without AE management and get the exact same result. In Resolve I don’t use management but just put an ACES Transform on the clip. It should be the same with ACEScc as management.
(EXR export made with only the first OCIO fx going to ACEScg)
The colors aren’t exactly as the original sRGB file but this is only because you can’t 100% accurately go through the RRT and inverse of it from what I’ve understood.
If the intent is compositing sRGB into footage as displays and what not I think it’s better to use Utility-sRGB-Texture to produce more realistic results.
I’ve found my issue. I was using the input-generic-srgb-texture as input and changed for the output-srgb and it works. I just see a little bit of deviation in the very low light red but nothing perceptible for human.