Colour artefacts or breakup using ACES

From your screengrabs, this looks very familiar as an issue that others have occasionally encountered in the past on other productions. The issue usually appears when LEDs or brightly colored lights are shot directly into the camera. Depending on the lens and capture scenario, the camera can “see” these colors in a way that produces problematic colorimetry for some of the later ACES color transforms. When I get time, I will try to make a post explaining the “why” of this perceived artifact.

More robust and longer-term “fixes” for this scenario are being considered. In the meantime, the solution that I have provided to many others which has seemed to help is a simple 3x3 matrix applied to the ACES data. In the “ACES block diagram” one could think of this matrix serving as a very simple “Look Transform” to be applied for these particular problem shots. This simple matrix transform can be inserted when this issue is encountered and that should allow you to continue working with ACES on these shots.

This is the matrix in standard “textbook notation”:
[ 0.9404372683 -0.0183068787 0.0778696104;
0.0083786969 0.8286599939 0.1629613092;
0.0005471261 -0.0008833746 1.0003362486]

I can’t upload attachments with CTL or DCTL extensions, so here is a Dropbox link to the matrix as a CTL:
or as a DCTL: