UE5 LUT for Substance Painter

EDIT : To get the Blue correct, I would just need to apply this as a MatrixTransform inside the config and use the inverse after applying the tone curve

I guess Added Glow, Red modifier and Desaturate would be done by RRT ? (But I can’t find doc on the RRTs so I don’t know which one is the good one if there is a one)

Then it applies a piecewise power curve before desaturating again then it multiplies by 2.22 and turn the result to sRGB but this function is private. (Seems like there is a transfer function in this function because they say that’s why they do the 2.22 gain)

// chosen such that outputTransform(0.18 * Gain) / UE_ACES_SDR_Y_MAX = 0.18