Update!! We’ll use this thread to post the Video and PPT deck from the session. Please feel free to add questions and discussion here! Thanks to everyone who attended and participated!
Join us for an important Live Webinar introducing ACES 1.2, which was created by dozens of industry professionals through our ACES Virtual Working Group and Technical Advisory Council development structure.
The newly-released ACES 1.2 finalizes the specs on two major ACES components: the Common LUT Format (CLF) and the ACES Metadata File (AMF). This is great news for both end-users and companies that build ACES into their products.
We’ll present an overview of the vastly-improved CLF and AMF specs, as well as additional features in this new release. We’ll also demo some early implementations from Pomfort, OpenColorIO, Marquise Technologies and Colorfront.
Date: 4/29/20 11:00am – 12:00pm pst (Los Angeles time) The webinar is free but you must register, use this link: Register Now!
Who should attend?
- Anyone in the ACES community that has responsibility for setting up or delivering color-managed workflows, whether facility staff or freelance
- Manufacturers who build ACES into their hardware and software products
- End-users who want to keep up with ACES development
Speakers subject to availability. Check back for any changes to the line-up!