DJI D-Log workflow in Autodesk Flame

I am currently looking into ways to convert DJI D-Log / D-Gamut material into ACES space and vice versa in Autodesk Flame.
I tried that method because I saw on the official OCIO page that OpenColorIO can be used to generate CLFs and CTFs, and that unlike LUTs, it is a “complete” conversion.
As a result, Flame could not load a version 3 CLF.
This defeats the purpose, since it is only after version 3 of CLF that the CameraLog format can be described.

Does anyone know of a good alternative solution?

We do not want to use other software to export files converted to the ACES color space due to storage and the time it takes.

Attached is my feeble attempt at making a Flame-compatible CTF.

I used Lattice to convert DJI’s CLF “cameraLintoLog” into a 1D LUT.

I compared it against Resolve’s DCTL going from D-Gamut/D-Log to ACES AP0 / Linear and got a match. This was a single image. This has not been stress tested!

…CTFs are not uploadable. Naming it .clf :confused:
DGamut_DLog_to_ACES_v2_rename_ext_to_ctf.clf (10.6 KB)