Does ACES support RED WideGamutRGB/Log3G10 and IPP2?

Resolve added RWG/Log3G10 as a built in IDT sometime shortly after this post was made. Here is a screenshot from today in Resolve 17.1:

Note that REDWideGamutRGB/Log3G10 is just another encoding consisting of a color space and a log curve. Any encoding that is defined in this manner can be converted to ACES if:

  1. the chromaticities of the color primaries and white point are known, and
  2. the linearization of the log curve is known

The conversion can also go the other way (e.g ACES → RWG/Log3G10). For various reasons, sometimes users want to use these camera encodings as their working space (instead of ACEScct). ACES supports that. As mentioned , the conversions to or from these encodings is quite simple when the characteristics of both color encodings are known.

As of ACES 1.2, some common color space conversions were added to the aces-dev repository on Github. Note that these are not an exhaustive list of the color spaces that ACES “supports” - just a subset consisting of the most frequently requested ones. These transforms were either provided directly by the manufacturers or built from data gleaned from white papers publishing the characteristics. Most products today have these built in and can convert from one to another seamlessly.