Gamut Mapping Part 2: Getting to the Display

Hey Alex, thanks for the thoughts!

Thank you! I’m in this to learn, and I appreciate the reference. I’ll take a look at this. As I mentioned in my disclaimer above, this experiment is purely to better understand the problem at hand, not something I am putting forward as something to be considered as an aesthetically pleasing display rendering.

My Apologies for the imprecise terminology. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I could more accurately be referred to as a “Color Pragmatist” than a “Color Scientist”.

The problem that I’m attempting to understand in my ramblings above could perhaps be more precisely expressed.

What I’m trying to understand is what happens to color when approaching and passing the “top end” or max luminance of a display-referred gamut boundary. That is, for an rgb triplet which contains a color that is too bright to be represented on a display device, what happens to hue when one channel clips to display maximum and other channels do not. These unnatural renderings of hue in the upper portions of the luminance range is why I think gamut reduction as luminance approaches display maximum is critically important to rendering a good looking picture, rather than an aesthetic preference. The example photos that you posted here show the issue pretty clearly.

Of course the implicit assumption in all of this is that we would want a chromaticity preserving tonescale rather than a per-channel rgb approach which applies this luminance-gamut limiting as a byproduct.

Can you elaborate on why gamut mapping should not be a part of the rendering discussion? Surely there should be some type of handling for colorimetry that can not be reproduced on the display device in the default display rendering transform? I’m sure it’s something silly I didn’t think of, but like I said I’m in this to learn :slight_smile: