Hi everyone, i do cg character art and i accidentaly discovered and loved ACES,
unfortunately color management is literally rocket-science.
I use ACES 1.2 OCIOv1 with an environment variable
Softwares: Maya2022, Mari 4.6v3 and Substance Painter 8.1.0
On the internet, it seems very clear how to use ACES 1.2 OCIOv1(or previous configurations),
how to use it with the different and “latest” software, Maya2022+,SP8.0,Mari4,etc…
and,in some cases like in mari, how to set up the “roles” in the config.ocio for them.
i wish i could upgrade to ACES 1.3 OCIOv2.3, and i was wondering if someone could help me with
these steps/doubts that i really can’t find an answer to:
1)- from which versions of Maya, Mari an Substance Painter, ACES 1.3 OCIOv2.3 is supported?
2)- if a software says it supports OCIOv2, it can support also OCIOv2.3?
3)- when i download ACES 1.2 OCIOv1 i have 3 folders(baked,luts,python) and a config.ocio,
for ACES 1.3 OCIOv2.3 one simple “cg-config-v2.1.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.3.ocio” is that all i need?
4)- ACES 1.3 OCIOv2.3 has different roles and display colorspaces, for example:
Roles: “color_picking: Output - sRGB” becomes–> “color_picking: sRGB - Texture”
is this fine or i have to change something when working with Maya, Mari and SP?
Display colorspaces:
“Utility - Linear - sRGB” that i used for HDR in Maya can be found only in aliases(?)…so now is called Linear Rec.709 (sRGB)?
- !
name: Linear Rec.709 (sRGB)
aliases: [lin_rec709_srgb, Utility - Linear - Rec.709, lin_rec709, lin_srgb, Utility - Linear - sRGB]
where i can find a guide that compares the new display colorspaces(ACES 1.3) names with the previous ones(ACES 1.2)?
5)-i see a lot of artists that don’t use ACES 1.2 OCIOv1 on Maya2022+ to avoid problems,
(for example the Display and View functions in color management,
that are available only for OCIOv2 remain visible and are set to Display>ACES and View>sRGB.)
and they use the Maya2022-config.ocio (that i have no idea which aces version is inside of it)
while keeping ACES 1.2 OCIOv1 on the other softwares like SP and Mari(since they maybe don’t support OCIOv2)
it’s a wrong workflow right?
If you reached this point thank you so much, i just started getting interested into ACES
but even if i love it, i really can’t find answers, hope i can find them here.