IDT Creation for Dummies Part2 Black-Box Camera

Hi, I have given up on the gopro Native/Protune IDT with math because it doesn’t work accurately, the colours are slightly unmapped, even when using the supposedly correct Primaries and White Point. I don’t know where is the middle grey in the Protune Flat Log Profile…

Having said that I don’t want to give up on understanding the making of an IDT for my Gopro and Super 8 Kodak Vision3 film stocks.
I have decided to use the Black-Box method to produce a 5500K° and 3200K° IDT with the IDT-Calculator.

X2 Aputure B7C Bulbs
X1 X-Rite Classic ColorChecker
X1 Calibrite Grey-Card
X1 Sekonic L-558 CINE (Nits Reading)
X1 Gopro Hero 11 Black Back-Bone Mod
X1 Beaulieu 4008 ZMII (Kodak )
X1 Schneider-Kreuznach Optivaron 6-66mm F1.8

I have done the bracketing on the gopro (for 5500K° Aputure B7C Illuminant)
I followed the instructions, exported those TIFF, and done the Implicit and Explicit folder zip.
I uploaded these files on the web version of the idiot-calculator, but once it uploads, then nothing. It should give the option to Compute IDT Matrix. But it doesn’t do anything. I decided to run the app locally.

So then I’m trying to build the github repo in Docker. The image didn’t build and gave me messages about incompatible packages and dependencies…
I figured there was an error on the python package called “colour==0.4.2” in the requirements.txt. I changed it for “colour==0.1.5” which is the latest available version.
And for it to work, I also had to change the Dockerfile and replace the first line “FROM python:3.8” with “FROM python:3.9”.
Then the image finally built and I could try to run the IDT-Calculator app.

But, it doesn’t work…

I get to a certain point and then it spits out this error:
ImportError: cannot import name ‘whitepoint_preserving_matrix’ from ‘colour.characterisation’ (unknown location)
[2023-06-23 22:58:38 +0000] [10] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 10)
[2023-06-23 22:58:38 +0000] [9] [INFO] Shutting down: Master
[2023-06-23 22:58:38 +0000] [9] [INFO] Reason: Worker failed to boot.

I also looked at the docker GUI in windows and I see many yellow and red shields, probably indicating lot more issues…

This is the story of how far could I go without any knowledge in programming. I can’t debug this app, I suspect that I didn’t build the repo in a docker image properly. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t work… If ever someone would give me a little push, or give a hand on this matter, I would be very very happy. You have no idea how much I want to know about IDTs. The Black-Box option is a brilliant way to have a sufficient reproduction of colours without the budget of a Hollywood production. You guys rock!!! Go ACES!

Do these work?

edit: nvm just saw that you tried the web versions

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I think you are looking at the wrong “colour” package. The requirement is for this one for which version 0.4.2 is correct.

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It’s exactly the link I have used, but once I upload my zip (I don’t believe I made a structural mistake), it doesn’t give me the “compute idt” button.

Thank you Nick, that’s true, I understand what is wrong.

In the list of packages, there is the colour==0.4.2 and colour-science==0.4.2 and that is a mistake, the package you sent me is called colour in the requirements.txt and in Pypi website called colour-science.

I ended up removing the line colour==0.4.2.

Still it didn’t help, the program still has this error:
ImportError: cannot import name ‘whitepoint_preserving_matrix’ from ‘colour.characterisation’ (unknown location) and shuts down.

The best person to clarify this is @Thomas_Mansencal. But basically the package used is called “colour”, and referenced in Python with from colour import xxx. But because there is already another package called “colour” on Pypi, it had to be named “colour-science” there

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After giving up for a time, the app is finally fixed. Now the app is running correctly. I can log in to the app with my browser at http://localhost:8010/apps/idt_calculator_prosumer_camera. I load my IDT archive in a zip file with my bracketing inside and click “Compute IDT.” I can see the app making the calculation, and then the timer finishes, but nothing happens. No results or files to download… It stops, and I don’t know what is supposed to happen. Did I do something wrong in my IDT archive? It’s the implicit version with the folder tree: 0 (nominal), +1 (2 stops overexposed), and so on… I’m curious to know if anyone here has successfully run an IDT from the app. Thank you so much for your help.