Hello everyone,
I’m working on an application that uses ACES 1.3 for color mangement. I’ve ported the codebase to WebGL and things are looking good for the most part but I need some help with a few things that I can’t seem to figure out on my own.
The working space of the app is ACEScct. This is how I get the input signal into ACEScct:
[ Input image ] -> [ IDT ] -> [ Reference Gamut Compress ] -> [ ACES_to_ACEScct ]
Now the color processing is happening in ACEScct… and finally this is how I get the graded image out to the target color space:
[ ACEScct_to_ACES ] -> [ RRT ] -> [ ODT ]
This seems to be doing mostly what I want but here’s what I can’t wrap my head around:
How can I get a perfect inverse of, for example, the sRGB IDT, so that when both the IDT and ODT are set to sRGB_100nits_dim, the image that is piped through these transformations remains visually unaltered, except for any transformations that are applied after the IDT and before the ODT.
In other words, what I want to happen when the IDT == ODT == sRGB is exactly what happens in Davinci Resolves ACES Transform Effect: Nothing. The image should remain visually unaltered.
In my implementation, however, I’m seeing a noticeable color shift that is introduced by the IDT/ODT round trip. You can test this by loading an image into the app and long-clicking (mouse down and hold) anywhere on the image to bypass all processing.
Is this due to the RRT not being perfectly invertible that I read about a few times? Do I have an entirely wrong idea of how IDTs and ODTs are supposed to work? I’m not currently using any of the RRTODT/InvRRTODT components of the framework, might this be the missing key?
Thank you so much for your time!