The ACESclip Requirements Review and Revision VWG has completed its work. It’s time to begin drafting the ACESclip spec. This group will morph into the ACESclip Spec Generation group and will continue to be led by working group Chairman Chris Clark. The focus will be on writing a specification to be included in ACES v1.2.
We will shortly archive the original document workspace (it will still be publicly available for review) and open a new document workspace for the new ACESclip Spec Generation group.
The first meeting of the ACESclip Spec Generation Group , is slated for Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 11am - 12:30am PDT (Los Angeles time / UTC-07:00)
An agenda and call-in information will be announced ahead of the meeting. All meetings will continue to be held on GoToMeeting and we invite current and new participants to join this ACESclip effort.
NOTE: For this phase, we are going to preschedule bi-weekly meetings in order to keep momentum and allow for those who want to participate to better anticipate when meetings will be happening. The plan is for a maximum of four meetings, which means the group will be done in approximately 8 weeks.
Meeting 1 - Tuesday, June 25th - 11a - 12:30a (1.5 hr)
Meeting 2 – Tuesday July 2nd 9a – 9:45a (45 min)
Meeting 3 – Tuesday July 16th 9a – 9:45a (45 min)
(allowing a break for SIGGRAPH)
Meeting 4 – Tuesday Aug 6th 9a – 10:30a (1.5 hrs)
Call in information for all ACES VWG and TAC meetings remains:
Instructions for using GoToMeeting to join an ACES VWG Meeting
All Virtual Working Group Meetings will use GoToMeeting for their meeting calls. Check
ACESCentral for the specific time and date of each VWG’s next meeting. An agenda will be posted prior to the meeting
You may join via computer/smartphone (preferred) which will allow you to see any presentations or
documents that are shared or you can join using a telephone which will be an audio only experience.
Please note that meetings are recorded and transcribed and open to the public. By participating you are
agreeing to the ACESCentral Virtual Working Group Participation Guidelines