Meeting Summary:
- @nick walked the group through the BLGs he posted on ACES central for use in Nuke to help evaluate under different output transforms: Display Transform BLGs for Nuke for Gamut Compressor assessment
@Alexander_Forsythe suggested adding in just a 2.2 gamma transform- so you’re looking at the scene referred imagery - take the display transform out of the equation
- Similar to what Thomas’ notebook originally did
- @matthias.scharfenber - would it help to also have a very ‘simple’ display transform too - simple S curve and gamma etc (CAM16 mapping to display space?)
@LarsB says ITU recommended gamut mappers are based luminance take no account of saturation (hard clip to BT.709 boundary)
- BT. 2446 has the three different methods
- BT. 2390 - different rolloffs, bezier curve, hard to control - tonemaps on the PQ code values
- When evaluating the images in a display-referred manner, a few points were raised:
- @Thomas_Mansencal would like to avoid the few people deciding approach
- @carolalynn points out that this isn’t necessarily about aesthetics, but about how “correct” the image is
- @joseph points out that same viewing environment is really important, controlling that is almost impossible if you can’t have people in the same space
@LarsB pointed out that it’s not about the look, it’s about functionality: can you grade this image better, can you comp this image without issues.
- Can we come up with a set of scenarios for compositing & grading, so we can have a comparative test? Farm for easy examples on ACES central and in our group, figure out if we can use our current set of images, and what we’re lacking
- @Alexander_Forsythe reiterated that we should look at the numbers and analyze as much as possible first before we visually evaluate
- @joseph has some tests he’s shot, will try and find good frames to share
- Could also shoot some more headlights for chromatic aberration etc
- @matthias.scharfenber described a test scenario with incandescent light on one side, with overlapping LED on the other - @joseph will try to look into shooting it
- Where do we put the algorithm in the pipeline turned into a long discussion:
- Concern for implementation and maintenance if we made it part of the ap0->ap1 transform for both ACES contributors and DCC developers
- We will start a list of pros and cons on DropBox Paper to be added to by the working group