Notice of Meeting - ACES Logo Program Task Force - July 19, 2022

ACES Logo Program Task Force Meeting

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
5:30 pm Pacific Time Add to Calendar (.ics)

NOTE : for Current members of the ACES Logo Product Partner Program: We need your input as we refine the program requirements and scope in anticipation of the release of ACES 2.0.

Please click on the following link to take the survey: Your input is greatly appreciated.

Your responses will be private and not be attributed to you, only used in the aggregate.

NOTE : Attendees are requested to please read this ‘strawman’ draft of a revised Product Partner specification prior to the call. Here’s a link to the post:

Here’s a link straight to the Google doc. It was created so that it can be a living document for people to comment directly on items without us needing to pass around revisions of Word docs:

Dropbox Paper homepage for this group:

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Hi everyone,

For the next few weeks we’ll be concentrating our discussion on the proposed Service Provider Program. The idea is to allow service providers (on-set, dailies, DI, VFX, Mastering facilities, and possibly even individuals) to demonstrate their mastery of ACES concepts and identify themselves as facilities and providers can reliably be used in ACES color managed workflows.

There is an early draft description/application for this program, which we would like to use as a strawman to discuss the program. All comments are welcome, we want to know if this has value to the facilities and to the larger community at large; is the approach in this document a good starting point, what suggestions would you have to improve this and make it helpful and meaningful to you and to the overall ACES efforts.

Please feel free to comment and please read this, if possible before joining our meetings. We look forward to seeing you on the task force meetings.


Here is the meeting recording and transcript.

Here are some questions and comments about the proposed Service Provider Program that were raised in last week’s meeting (7/19/22) that we may want to ‘revisit’ in this week’s meeting.

  • Some service facilities have previously expressed interest in the program. Some have said they are interested in promoting their knowledge of ACES to studios and others.
  • Key topic: Are we talking about facilities or individuals getting the logo acknowledgement? If a facility has only one person that ‘knows ACES’ what happens if they leave? How do you track that?
  • What ACES really needs is more training. Concentrate your efforts here.
    • Training Materials, both detailed and high level
    • Webinars, education materials, tools
    • “Train the Trainer” program to leverage the amount of people that can be trained
    • Is SMPTE a good choice to help with training?
  • ACES needs more activities and work to support interoperability. Can we do more plug fests and other demos. Would this Service Provider program facilitate this?
  • Is this program trying to take away the buyer’s responsibility to “ask” a vendor if they know how to do an ACES workflow?
  • Does the Academy have the resources to do the vetting for facilities (or even more importantly individuals which could be hundreds or thousands of people). Won’t they get ‘swamped’.
  • Devil’s advocate: If ACES was more artist-friendly and fool proof (which I think should be the goal), then you wouldn’t need an individual cert program.



(also posted in 7/26/22 thread)