Please join us for the next meeting of the:
A Joint ACES Architecture & Implementation Technical Advisory Council
The meeting will take place on
Tuesday, May 28th, 2023
12:30pm - 2pm PDT (Los Angeles time)
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Topics for discussion (formal agenda to follow):
- ACES 2.0 Developer release and reactions
- Implementation efforts and roadmap to get to End User release later this year
- Discussion on certain elements of system (ACEScc and ACESproxy) should we officially deemphasize?
Instructions for using Zoom to join an ACES TAC Meeting
You may join via computer/smartphone (preferred) which will allow you to see any presentations or documents that are shared, or you can join using a telephone which will be an audio only experience.
Audio + Video
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Passcode: 972426
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Meeting ID: 993 4048 4145
Passcode: 972426