Quick test - Photoshop Beta with OCIO support


I was able to do a quick test of the Photoshop beta OCIO support today on my iMac.
Note that the screenshots are showing full Display P3 instead of an sRGB output.

Somehow I was able to get the same output in Photoshop and in the Nuke viewer, but it was more complicated than expected.

First I had to find the OCIO config settings. Strangely, ACEScct was the default working space setting.
I changed the setting to ACEScg. PS-Beta comes with its own OCIOv2 configs and uses version 2.3 as far as I could see.

Then I dragged an EXR file into PS. It looked wrong. Too flat somehow.

I found the “in OCIO convert” menu and the IDT was set to AP-0 although I tagged the file in the filename as ACEScg.

I changed the IDT to ACEScg and hit “ok”.

Suddenly the contrast of the image looked right, although I did only an IDT switch from AP-0 to AP-1.

Then I compared the display output to Nuke using the same OCIO config (version 2.2).

As far as I can see the results look identical.

The difference between the two screenshots shows some minor differences.

Did someone else test the PS-Beta version?
I hope Adobe can make the OCIO workflow a bit more transparent to the user. I could only make it work by trial and error.
But I am looking forward to using this feature to do some patch/content-aware fill retouches on stills and use them in Nuke or Flame. Then it would be time to put the ACEScct over a TIFF workaround to rest :slight_smile:




That’s a great first step but it looks like a very crude first implementation. The best thing we can do is give feedback on their forums. I’m seeing a lot of things that are still missing and other things that don’t work as intended.

As to the default working space being ACEScct, I have the feeling they hooked in that PS will take the matte_paint role as working space for whichever OCIO config is loaded in. Makes sense in some way… would be better to just allow for configuration of roles and defaults.

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Hi Daniel! Thanks for the feedback! For Ps specific requests/feedback, it’s best posted directly to the official Adobe Community Forums. Please refer to the link @shebbe posted for basic info on how to use it, as well as a place you can leave feedback on the features.

Just for anyone else coming across this thread I’ll try to answer you questions here, but please send further feedback to the Adobe forums.

Regarding defaults, you can manage them in Edit > OpenColorIO Settings. The initial value for the default working space tries a few different roles before just using the first item in the list, and currently the first attempt is ‘compositing_log’. But once you change the default colorspace in the settings in this dialog, it will stay the default going forward. We currently ship with the built-in OCIO ACES configs from OCIO v2.3 (config v2.1.0).

The Edit > OCIO Settings sets defaults for new documents, so you can change your default config and working space for new documents there. OCIO documents are fundamentally different than traditional Photoshop ICC based documents, so the recommended way to open a document with OCIO enabled is either File > Open as OpenColorIO to open an existing file, or create a bland document File > New OpenColorIO and then place your layer. Using ‘Convert to OpenColorIO’ is not the ideal workflow, it’s just there in case you already have an ICC document you want to switch to OCIO.

Placing layers as smart objects is important, as it allows you to set the IDT in the properties panel, where rasterized layers can no longer dynamically apply the correct IDT. Using Open as OpenColorIO automatically automates creating the document of the correct dimensions and places the image as a as a new layer. You can then click the layer, and in the properties panel, select your IDT.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure the display is correct, on most Mac displays, ‘Display P3 - Display’ is correct.


Thanks for your reply @cuellar.

I am looking forward to a nice little how-to video from Adobe that explains the setup of OCIO in Photoshop so that everyone can start working without major issues one the feature is released.

I will check out the forum you mentioned.

Best regards,



Will definitely post some comments on the feedback site about this but I have one lingering interrogation: what ODT is it using by default? We have a client_look in our OCIO that we’d like to use but I can’t seem to be able to choose which ODT I want to view the shot through. It’s just applying “some random ODT” from what I’m seeing. Certainly matches a display referred output in Nuke but it’s not the one I’d like to use. Also, would we be able to circle back to our working space (ACEScg) once we are done in PS? Was not able to do this neither.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s awesome that you finally want to support this but the real workflow would be able to go back to our lin working space.

Any insight would be great @cuellar.
