Greetings, complete beginner here. Until very recently my total understanding of colour management was a gamma curve fixes a legacy problem with crt monitors. Make sure your 3d packaqe knows what kind of texture it is and your golden. That was it. Now a new client has requested that we work in ACES and of out tiny 5 man team I got the short straw of learning and implementing ACES.
The quick start guides are great, and there’s plenty of stuff on the net but that tends to vary in it’s level of confidence and fullness of explanation. My two pronged attack is a/ to learn simply “what buttons to push” so we can carry on working, but more importantly b/ to understand on a much deeper level so we can problem solve.
For background our pipeline is creation in Houdini and or Maya, rendering in redshift, compositing in After effects (I know, not my choice) and delivery is normally some sort of quicktime. Occasionally there might be supplied footage but we never have to wrangle much of it.
Looking at the ACES workflow sample and the VFX quickstart it looks simple but I’m still left with some questions that I can’t find answers too, so if i may, I’ll ask them one at a time…
Simplifying somewhat, i have an image file, it’s a bunch of buckets with r, g and b values that go between 0 and 1, like raw data, is the colourspace simply something in the metadata that gives coordinates for the primaries in relation to the cie diagram? So if my image is sRGB a bucket with a raw value of 1,0,0 the colour will be “here” on the cie diagram (a red that my rgb monitor can display), and If i change the metadata to ACES then it moves the primaries and my raw value of 1,0,0 gives a different part of the cie diagram that my monitor can’t display?
So, basically… in terms of colourspace is my image file a bunch of raw data with some mapping information stored in the metadata? Changeing the colourspace simply changes the metadata mapping values and leaves the raw pixel data as is?
thanks for your patience,