I was interested to group in one place information about colour appearance phenomena. This is barely a collection of information shared in different threads, that I will try to update whenever possible.
About appearance modeling :
- A video by Gary Demos : HPA Tech Retreat 2018: Parametric Appearance Compensation (originally posted here by Thomas)
- Here is the PPT from that presentation. (originally posted here by Nick)
About the “Hunt Effect” :
- Interesting answer posted here by Thomas :
Something to keep in mind though is that while a global colourfulness tweak tend to work fine, because the Hunt Effect is driven by the display Luminance increase, itself modulated by the tonescale, the tweak should be weighted somehow, e.g. shadows and midtones require different strength than highlights.
About Lightness and HKE :
- Interesting article by Alex Tardif. I especially like this quote :
[…] to me the “right” way to tonemap involves moving away from the per-channel compression schemes that our industry is fond of, and instead towards better hue preservation (and separation of grading from compression) via mappings more akin to what Timothy Lottes described in his presentation Advanced Techniques and Optimization of VDR Color Pipelines, and Alex Fry in his presentation HDR color grading and display in Frostbite.
About Luminance and Lightness :
- Some interesting informartion is mentioned here. This is a Siggraph talk from 2018 by James Ferwerda and David Long.
Human beings perceive lower contrast (Stevens Effect) and lower colorfulness (Hunt Effect) when stimuli luminance is reduced. The display environment is almost always less bright than the original scene in motion picture applications.
- Erik Reinhard’s paper Thomas mentioned during meeting #21 : Perceptual Lightness Modeling for High-Dynamic-Range Imaging.
Hope it helps a bit,