Aesthetic intent - human perception vs filmic reproduction

First of all, thank you for having this conversation. ACEScentral is exactly meant for this kind of exchange, as a sharing community.

This is exactly what we are trying to do here, going from scene to display in the most faithful way. If a colour cannot be displayed (because of limitations), let’s try to pick the closest one.

We are trying to reproduce faithfully a scene by taking in account the display limitations. The effectiveness of this method will mostly rely on the quality of the gamut compression. Lars Borg explained that during meeting#5 if I recall correcly.

What is tonescale ? :wink: Let’s have a look at two mac beth charts. Which one looks closer to the actual data scene ?

Is this really what we are doing here ? There was a beautiful reaction by Alex Fry about Jed’s experiment :

I am not sure that Jed’s experiment can be qualified at reproducing a flawed chemical process but rather acknowledging that we are dealing with gamut volumes. The core question in my opinion.

I am pretty sure that everyone would agree that “something” needs to be solved. It is the core reason of this group.

If I may, there are so many expressions in your answer that it is hard to follow :

  • what is chromaticity-preserving ?
  • what is filmic ?
  • what is realistic ?
  • what is tonescale ?
  1. How could an output transform deal only with compression of the luminance ? We need to go to from one volume to another volume, right ?

  2. How could the current ACES Output Transform be chromaticity-preserving if an overexposed blue goes purple ?


Animated gif from Nick :

Per-channel lookup is not chromaticity-preserving. Or hue-preserving ? At this point I am not sure which is which. :wink: We have done some plots of the ACES Output Transform :


I don’t know what realistic is but I do know that displays have limitations and that we cannot display 120% of red emission… I don’t think we are trying to mimic anything yet but rather take in account gamut volumes. And this issue is so complex (for me at least) that we need to break down into simple questions, just like Troy did :

I am more than happy to follow this conversation and provide examples if needed. Thanks Garrett !

PS : About the example you provided, it is great to show images. It makes the conversation much easier. But I am not sure what your point is by decreasing the exposure of 2 stops ? Do not hesitate to put as much explanation as you can when you provide an image so it is obvious to others when comparing.

Update : You see in your example the bulbs have reached the peak display white (they are not red hard clipped) with their faces being red. Hence the question :
