Gamut Mapping Part 2: Getting to the Display

yes, looks are a bit of mystery. I have posted here an example from TCAMv2 with the Look Vision applied. I think it is the best example I have seen of combining a “hue-preserving” DRT + Look. As you have certainly understood, generating such a look is a quite complex engineering task.

But if you want to play with looks yourself, you can have a look at ARRI ALF2 or RED IPP2 looks, which are downloadable for free. As a personal exercise, I have built some OCIO configs with their looks (87 of them for ARRI) to do some testing.

Here is an example of OCIO config :

  Rec.709 100 nits video dim:
    - !<View> {name: ALF2, colorspace: ALF2 - Rec.709 - 2.4 Gamma}
    - !<View> {name: 1110BlackAndWhite, colorspace: ALF2 - Rec.709 - 2.4 Gamma, looks: 1110 Black and White}

active_displays: [Rec.709 100 nits video dim]
active_views: [ALF2, 1110BlackAndWhite]

- !<Look>
  name: 1110 Black and White
  process_space: V3LogC_EI800_WideGamut
  transform: !<FileTransform> {src: ARRI_LL_1110_Black_and_White.cub, interpolation: tetrahedral}

Of course, you’d need to define colorspaces to make the config work. But hopefully you can get an idea of how looks are loaded in OCIO. I wish more softwares would implement them like Blender :


and I also have made a proposal to the OCIO UX group to give an easier access to looks. It is being discussed…


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