Gamut Mapping Part 2: Getting to the Display

At the risk of repeating myself, I am not adamant on anything. I work for people who are adamant on certain things as you have certainly understood by now. :wink: I hope that you realize that I am currently in a tricky situation and am a tiny bit desperate for solutions.

I personally feel like that I have done nothing but test ACES upside-down for the past two years (which has been a great experience). Hence my questions, posts and images I provided to this group. Only today I have shared three more images to compare RED IPP2 with the ACES Rec.709 Transform. You should also see the amount of documentation about ACES at work, it’s insane. :scream:

The main issue for 0.1.1 to be discarded was the lack of invertibility, which if I have understood correctly is a requirement for the ACES 2.0 Output Transform. Nonetheless I did some tests with 0.1.1 not more than ten days ago. I was just curious on why some people liked it and others not.

I do understand that changes must be motivated but I think that my examples and explanations from my numerous posts speak for themselves. I have also tried to provide for each render an example of what I think it should look like, as a point of comparison.

I am more than happy to do more testing but I would ask you to point me in the right direction if possible. :slight_smile:

@sdyer I have a question for you : is a production using 0.1.1 Output Transform currently possible ? What would be the cons ? No HDR Output Transform ? No Resolve implementation for DI ?

Thanks guys !