Meeting Summary:
- Consensus that #2 is the preferred option
- Joseph’s balloon footage is up on DropBox - cropped openEXRs and ARRIRAW
- HDR testing seems to be going well
- Harald has investigated with synthetic LED images
- You can create artifacts when you move the cyan slider too much
- But overall looks to be working well
- Carol has tested on XDR Display
- Pablo Soriano has been testing Venice footage with the algorithm both in SDR and HDR (on the Sony BVM E171) and declared himself very happy with the results
- Harald has investigated with synthetic LED images
- Frankie showed a bit of his testing on a couple titles (issues with inverse tonemapping and some pretty crazy lens aberration)
- Nick demonstrated a variation on Jed’s RGB gamut mapping method for consideration, and will make the Nuke script (and hopefully later a DCTL) available to be tested.
The recording and transcript of the meeting are available here.