ZCAM for Nuke

That’s a good question. I think this is just for comparing behavior of these DRTs. In practice what they show is what happens to those hues with 100% chroma from 0-14 stops (scene linear) as they go through those DRTs and come out as display linear values.

With OpenDRT we see how the chroma compressed “balloon” has popped over the cube, except yellow corner which the balloon didn’t cover. @jedsmith please correct me if I’ve misunderstood this part.

With ZCAM the cube was filled quite fully and the DRT then takes them towards the white (this is what I assume is happening based on what I see in that plot). I think the issue with the blue hue skew is also evident. It seems as the hue hits the edge of the blue corner (or thereabouts) it tweaks towards cyan.

With ACES we’re seeing what happens with per-channel DRT without some additional gamut compression (like RGC) applied. There would be nasty, but familiar, hue skews if this was shown as an image. The “path-to-white” is a by-product of the per-channel DRT.

Edit: just to add that the plots move because I’m rotating the hue 5 degrees every frame.

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Comparison like > < or =? If so, what is on the left and right side of the equation here in terms of domains?

I thought RGB was a stimulus encoding? Isn’t “hue” a sensation based encoding? I’m not sure the RGB stimulus encoding domain shows this?

Yes, this will show that we have device dependency because the values escape the destination RGB stimulus encoding, which whether we like it or not, will manifest in something we see, in terms of observer sensation. That will in fact vary between display outputs because of this. The only way to have it not vary would be to take the stimulus output from that specific display, whatever accident happens with those excursions, and then attempt to re-map those values.

I certainly think this is useful.

I think it would address @Troy_James_Sobotka’s points and help focus the “why’s” if you were to plot the perceptual correlates (JzAzBz?) values of the input ACES values and the corresponding perceptual correlates values out of the ZCam Model (perhaps both before and after any gamut compression / display code value conversion).

That could show the perceptual effects of the ZCam DRT on a given set of input stimuli and show what, if any, deviations in perceptual correlates are due to the ZCam portion of model vs. the gamut compression taking place in the conversion to display code values.

Isn’t this a tautological circular dependency?

I was thinking about that … I don’t think so particularly once you toss in the display code value conversion / gamut compression, but maybe use CIECAM02 as the comparison space. Point is, what’s the perceptual correlates before the model and after. Before the conversion to code values, and after.

Comparison, definitely wrong word. It’s just a visualization. Is one better than the other, objectively, I don’t know. I like the ZCAM behavior personally. I suppose that would be the water-fills-the-cube approach with some engineered path to white from the cube corners.

Another wrong word. :slight_smile:

Couldn’t agree more.

In terms of image engineering though, does that model exist? I’m heavily skeptical. I believe Daniele made a more or less equivalent statement in one of the recent meetings as well?

You can probably guess which axis I have concerns over, as the whole house of cards rests atop that specific card when it comes to imagery.

We can plot with the models we have and then look at it to verify the plots make sense.

Yeah, I’d point back to this plot from eariler to explain this.

The ZCAM model beleives that a perceptual hue line from the ACEScg blue primary position lands a significant distance along the Rec709 gamut boundry back towards green.

To hit a more intense version of the Rec709’s blue hue, you need an ACES AP1 value with 0.046 in Red to land at maximum 709 blue when projected back to the display limit.

Now what should happen here?
Lighting with a pure AP1 primary is intuitive from the “I want the most blue, so I’m going to slam the slider in the most blue position in my DCC” perspective. But not only are we saying the scene is being lit with with a pure wavelength laser lightsource, in the case of AP1, were saying it’s being lit with a non physically plausible source that exists outside the spectral locus in imaginary space.

Assuming the model was perfect out towards the edge (which it may not be based on the clustering of the source data), I’m still not sure what the sane move is here?

Should DCC apps have colour pickers that restrict you to physically plausible colour combinations?
Should colour pickers work in the same perceptual hue space as the display transform?

My intention with using the SSTS as the tonecurve for my ZCAMishDRT (And I beleive @matthias.scharfenber is on the same page), was not because I beleive that the SSTS is the ideal target for us to use long term, but rather to elimininate from the discussion at this stage. So the colour rendering properties can be evaluated is insolation, rather than being entanged with issues of contrast where possible. One of the problems I felt I was having earlier when looking at @jedsmith 's OpenDRT was that I wasn’t sure how much of preference for it vs ACES 1.2 on any given image was due to the colour rendering vs the overall contrast.

This is why I put together this video a while back, as an attempt to isolate the effects of OpenDRT’s colour rendering approach, from it’s subtly different tonescale (please note this a HDR clip, and will be passing through YouTube’s HDR → SDR tonemapping on many devices):

So longer term, I would expect any approach we take to end with an lower contrast curve (As requested in the RAE), but I didn’t want to muddy the waters at this stage.

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I completely agree with @alexfry

There’s no reason, even if the ZCAM model is a perfect predictor of color perception, that any of the AP1 primaries should end up at the location of a display primary when chroma is reduced to the point where the color is inside the display’s gamut. Making that happen is a gamut mapping issue.

I don’t hold AP1 to be anything sacred. Might it make sense to back calculate a set of working space primaries based on the DRT and target display?

That’s a proper question. I have been advocating for the past year (or more ?) to developers for a proper implementation of the “color_picking” OCIO role in DCC softwares, which would let you define the color space of your “color selection”. So the color space used to choose colors would be different than your actual working/rendering space. Only Autodesk Maya has this implementation for the moment.

I also know that Thomas has written a plea for Colour Analysis Tools in DCC Applications and that Derek has setup OCIO configs where the color picking role would be slightly desaturated using a Matrix Transform. So there is interest on this particular matter in the CG industry I would say.

On the other hand, I also know that some color peeps think that limiting the input/stimulus range is just a “flashing sign” for a flawed system. I will let everyone make their own opinion on this specific topic.

That’s actually what I have been recommending to a few studios recently. Until Wide Gamut rendering and display is figured out, I feel it is safer to have the same primaries for both rendering and display. I mean, we did render the Lego movies in P3D60, right ?


That’s reasonable, but only possible if the scene the DP is looking at can be fully contained withing the gamut and dynamic range of the display. Which realistically limits you to indoor diffuse lit scenes with non challenging objects.

What does neutral mean when things leave this zone?

The intent with the ZCAM based approach is that the axis we’re pulling in on is at least theoretically perceptually “neutral” in terms of hue. And trading off chroma for brightness as we run out of headroom.
Now is it actually doing that? I’m not sure.

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There’s another nuanced take on this rather complex surface. What is a sane context where expectations can be met?

For example, if we have someone sitting with a ColourChecker 24 on their desk, and they represent the values in a stimulus encoding, is it sane and reasonable for the values to be rather close on their BT.2100 display and their sRGB display? Open question, with at least two possibilities:

  1. The stimulus encoding footprint is ground truthed against observer sensation metrics. There will be very little chance that the observer sensation will match further down the line. See ZCAM and any other observer sensation based distortion at this extremely early juncture in the working stimulus encoding domain.
  2. The stimulus encoding footprint holds true to stimulus linear compression. The observer sensation stands a chance of being closer to “similar” after other observer sensation distortions / manipulations for technical reasons. This would be close to a ground truth of light transport, albeit buried in the limitations of RGB stimulus encodings of course.

Which is part of this dilemma. We are already “working” on values, and relative to the working stimulus encoding, only some values will hold meaning. The rest cease to maintain meaning. Seems like a bridge that is likely forced to be crossed here.

Is there a choice?

It isn’t like this is optional, given that no matter how much people hope and wish, every single stimulus encoding fed to an output will be manifested as some actual stimulus. Given that the range of stimulus encoding to actual stimulus output varies based on the output medium, this makes the output unknown.

I’m completely in this camp.

It’s an expressive medium, and folks should be permitted to express within it, to the greatest limit of the medium. Dominic Glynn talks about this briefly in his interview where he discusses forming higher order colour sensations using illusory effects.

So what if, Glynn proposes, a scene in a movie added, subtly, light in a very specific wavelength of green? Then just kept ramping up, more and more green—and, at a key moment, the screen dropped all the green out at once. The movie would induce the complementary color as an afterimage. You’d imagine you were seeing a specific red, not projected on the screen but as a neurophysiological response to stimulus. And if you pick the precise wavelength, “you could actually cause someone to perceive a color that they could never otherwise see. Like, there’s no natural way for you to have the perception of that color.”

Again, it isn’t like there has ever been an option here as best as I can tell. Whether we like it or not, every single stimulus encoded will get spit out as something. That something can either vary from output medium to output medium, or a management system can seek to control it.


I don’t have the Nuke chops to do any CIECAM02 comparison plots, but I can easily animate a line plot of, for example, JzAzBz hue (or ZCAM hue) over the entire luminance range before and after the DRTs and see what we see. I’m not sure if that tells us anything useful, but I guess it would show how much they deviate and show any hue skews. Does that sound like something you were after?

A big caveat here: I’m not sure if this is the best or the correct way of plotting this. Is any of this relevant? Color scientists can answer that. Also forgive me for butchering any color science terminology in the text below. The nuke script is attached for those that want to play.

So this shows JzAzBz hue correlate (green line) of the scene linear values and ZCAM hue correlate (blue line) of display linear values after the DRTs. The x-axis is the entire luminance range of 14 stops compressed at the display side of course to 0-1 range. The y-axis is hue angle from 0 to 360, which I’m changing 5 degrees every frame. sRGB output transform.

DRT ZCAM v07: With ZCAM we can see what I pointed out earlier with the 3D plots is that the colors never hit the display white unlike with the other two DRTs. This seems to make the line follow much closer to the scene side hue line. If I plot this without doing gamut compression/mapping in the DRT the hue would not be as close, as @alexfry already demoed early on: ZCAM for Nuke - #9 by alexfry, there would be hue skews.

OpenDRT v0.0.90b4: With OpenDRT the biggest differences come from the clamping of the chroma “balloon” over the cube. Some of the hue differences come from the perceptual dechroma while with some other hues the perceptual dechroma helps to reduce the skews.

ACES 1.2: Just threw this for visual comparison.

Here’s the nuke script: plot_correlates.nk (589.5 KB)

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I’ve been wondering if using a CAM can help us deal with some of the perceived colourfulness effects of higher brightness levels.

The image below is from the Ed Giorgianni ACES background design document posted by @Alexander_Forsythe here: ACES background document

8.1. Why is Rendering Needed?
Figure 8.1 above illustrates the effects of display- image rendering. The upper image represents original scene colorimetry, and the lower image represents the results of rendering that colorimetry for output.

The images demonstrate that although scene-space images may be colorimetrically accurate, when displayed directly they are perceived as “flat” and “lifeless”. The fundamental reason rendering is needed, then, is to translate original-scene colorimetric values to output colorimetric values that produce images having a preferred color appearance.

Currently, both @matthias.scharfenber and I have mapped 1.0 in ACES scene linear to 100nits as our entry point into the ZCAM model. But that doesn’t need to be case, and may not be a particularly sane starting point for daylight scenes. Could the ZCAM model be used to help simulate the appearance of high intensity daylight colours on low brightness displays?

I made a slightly modified version of @matthias.scharfenber’s DRT_ZCAM_IzMh_v07 node, with an additional control to change the scaling of the input data before it get’s transformed into it’s ZCAM components, whilst leaving the parameters of the target display as is (100nits)

Almost all of the existing sample images I’ve been using have been either full CG, or nighttime images, so I dug out some old D600 RAW .NEF images and debayered them to ACES in dcraw (metadata inferred IDT only).

To come up with a new nit value to peg 1.0 to, I’ve used the following logic.

  • Through some slightly handwavy experimentation, I believe 100nits maps to 1.0 at an EV of around 8.5
  • These images are all taken in the full blazing Australian sun, which should be an EV of around 15
  • A value of 100 exposed up by 6.5 stops (15 - 8.5) gives a value of 9050.96680 (which I’m rounding off)

So I’m mapping 1.0 to 9000nits
(Yes, there is a bunch of fudge in here, but I think it should be ballpark ok for now)

The frames below all show:
Left | DRT_ZCAM_IzMh_v07 with ACES input 1.0 mapped to 100nits
Left | DRT_ZCAM_IzMh_v07 with ACES input 1.0 mapped to 9000nits

So which feels more like a bright sunny day in Australia?
Do the skintones explode to red?
Does the ZCAM model still map to perceived reality at these sorts of levels?
And what would be the point of going down this road?

In my head there is a sort of idealized scenario where camera metadata seamlessly makes it through to the display transform, and feeds in the absolute brightness of the scene. But realistically I think there are two more plausible options.

  1. It could help lead to a different standard value for mapping 1.0 into the model (Real scenes are unlikely on average to have 1.0 sitting at 100nits)
  2. Maybe you could have a sensible default, but leave the input EV open as parameter.

From the meeting…


The idea of kind of being able to slightly exceed the display gamut and having a clamp as a sort of a master in clickable.

I find it peculiar how this idea comes up over and over again.

How can this work?

Every single stimulus encoding present in the headed-for-display encoding will be rendered as something. That something is fundamentally unknown if this is permitted. It strikes me as problematic in a system that is now aspires to be a management system?


In medium A, the image formation yields code values that escape the medium A’s expression range, either below zero percent or above one hundred percent contribution. Those code values are emitted as as some stimulus, always.

Where do we sample the code values for to render into medium B? The open domain stimulus encoding heading to Medium A? If so, those values that are escaping are rendering differently between Medium A to Medium B. All layers of appearance matching appear impossible at this point, as we have created a medium dependency in the encoding.

If we sample the closed domain stimulus code values at the Medium A, then we have an idea as to what stimulus is being expressed, but that’s another rabbit hole.

It feels like there is no control being expressed about what is being sent to a medium, which would appear to undermine everything attempted here?

@Alexander_Forsythe raised an incredibly relevant point here possibly?

The one thing that I was particularly interested in is looking at the perceptual correlates before the transform [the] gamut mapping / compression step and then after the gamut mapping compression step to see […] how are things being effected by the gamut compression and moving […] to observe display code values.

I believe this ties in, with rather large implications on the resultant imagery formed, to the explorations Daniel has been doing regarding gradients via the gaussian overlaps. The nature of the footprint compression will impact the projection of gradations into the destination volume. This will be manifest rather noticeably as a disruptions of smooth brightness / chroma tonality in shallow depth of field / blurry regions that have high levels of excitation purity differences? Flowers, high chroma lit objects, etc.

I think oscillating radial sinusoidal patterns could help to form a reasonable test bed here, oscillating from one highly excitation pure region to another different radial angle? I know that similar patterns have been used to derive resampling tests to much effect?

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No. I obviously wasn’t clear. I am not proposing sending code values to any display beyond what it is capable of displaying (ignoring the fact that e.g. many P3 displays don’t cover 100% of P3). The clamp would normally be applied as part of the mastering. I was merely thinking that if the clamp wasn’t hard coded into the DRT it would open up the possibility of archiving an unclipped version for safety and future flexibility.

It’s the same as limiting a Rec.2020 master to P3, because if you make the mastering clip independent of the DRT and target display (as Baselight already does) you have more flexible options.

Also bear in mind, as @matthias.scharfenber said in the meeting, the intent is that you keep the slope finite at the boundary, to aid inversion, but you set the compression parameters such that no value you would normally expect to go into the DRT will produce a result that surpasses the target gamut boundary. But a colourist is able to push values hard up against the clipping point if they want (and see the results on the monitor as they do so, in order to ensure they are happy with any resulting skews). With a DRT which is asymptotic at the gamut boundary, this is not really possible, no matter how hard the colourist turns the knobs.

From the meeting:


… I needed to clamp the output to 0-1 or I had some instability.

With the DRT ZCAM those steps in the hue lines we see in the animation in ZCAM for Nuke - #95 by priikone all come from that clamp after the XYZ-to-display matrix. Without that clamp we see this:

But I noticed that the values go out of gamut with any amount of chroma. Even 1% chroma will cause values to go outside the display gamut (at the top end, a very very small amount). Is that expected?


For further fitting through the DRT, predictable behavior is desirable. For grading I disagree. It would be boring to grade through.

This discussion was really interesting. From the beginning there’s been desire for “hue linear” behavior in the new DRT (whatever that is has not been defined entirely, I think) and what, I think, we can see with the DRT ZCAM is very linear hue lines over that luminance range (animated above) compared to OpenDRT. What you can’t see in the original animation is that with lower chroma the OpenDRT also becomes more linear over a larger luminance range. This is with 50% chroma:

So if there is going to be Default LMT that is going to be the one that people grade through typically (?) then this is not necessarily an issue with ZCAM just like it isn’t with OpenDRT. OTOH, if you want the most linear behavior then without the Default LMT you could have that with DRT ZCAM.


I think we should work out how to get this out there for testing.

Definitely. That will show how it feels to grade through a DRT like the DRT ZCAM without Default LMT. The blue hew skew probably needs to be addressed somehow before testing.

Edit: I noticed that I messed up the stops in all of the animated plots. It’s many many more stops than 14 stops (it’s 20+ stops).

This again, seems to contradict the idea of managing the values.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if we pretend that any of these models are Cartesian 3D cubes, what you are proposing is to permit values to exceed the cube in order to hit a target stimulus coordinate. That seems like a glaring fault in only the compression function, not specifically the model here?

Given the blue arrow forms the “tension” of the compression, if the compression is using the proper axis within the domain, it could be tensioned right out tightly to the corner.

It seems that permitting an encoding value to represent meaningless-with-respect-to-medium values is a problematic method that will achieve a random, per device dependent output?

Would it not make more sense to provide a sensible encoding that is known, and an optional first-order gamut compression with relaxed, and proper, tension?

Then it means an encoding that is device dependent again. This undermines the very essence of a management system. Surely we have enough evidence of this already to suggest that perhaps it’s a faulty vantage?

How does one define uniform and consistent looks under such a system, when the results are device dependent? Is this not precisely the pre-existing condition of the fundamental design problems in ACES as it currently exists?

What am I missing?