Finally after 1month I am happy to share with you the application I have been working on.
First thanks for the feedback provided and thanks to all the people that helped me.
The app allow you to convert quickly hundred of image to a desired colorspace in the chosen format. This is a stand-alone “portable” application that runs only on Windows for now.
The application is available for Free on Gumroad (enter the code free at checkout):
Hey Christopher, use the Code “free” at checkout for applying the reduction. (so enter 2 as a price and add the product to your cart the go to checkout)
I used this method as Gumroad doesn’t allow to put free product over 25mb for non-pro members
Hey, I know Output-sRGB can be very useful but I agree with Thomas that it might lead to bad practices. Furthermore the conversion process is very slow with ODT in my tool.
You should not need to convert displacement maps as they are achromatic maps.
Plus, if your rendering space is set to ACEScg (I suppose it is), Utility-Raw and ACEScg are pretty much doing the same thing in this situation (aka nothing).
Not necessarily. If these linear textures contain color information such as base color (albedo), emission or specular color, they will need to be converted because of the change of primaries.
Chris explained everything !
First even if it’s is not necessary to convert you have an error cause my tool doesn’t support single-channel image, which your displacement is.
Then the Utility-Raw is available mainly for doing some simple format conversion ( for exemple jpg to exr without colorspace conversion)
Also I didn’t put other link just to have download statistic, easily update the file if needed and just some commercial stuff as bringing potential customers to look at my other scripts…
@MrLixm hey, wonderful tool to save me the burden to go through nuke. Is it possible to allow for single channel maps? I tend to paint a few maps in ZBrush but it exports as tif so it works for me as a bulk format converter to exr. As I understand it, IDT Utility - RAW -> ODT ACEScg is a noop right? Also an option to disable the suffix in filename would be welcome.